Why Top Gun Producers?

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Why Top Gun Producers?

Postby Rick Blaine » Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:53 pm

There are many forums online. All cater to one market, or another. Some try to cater to everyone, which is akin to standing on a highway centerline. You're going to get hit by people going both ways.

This is the real reason we exist...


One of my heroes, John Savage, CLU, said that he figured the founders of the insurance industry were three guys: One owned a paper mill, the second owned a printing press, and the third owned a plaque factory. There's some truth in that.

During my career, I've noticed another cottage industry designed to separate producers from their hard earned money: Sales systems! Marketing systems! Seminar systems! Prospecting systems! They are often sold by people who have never used them, who have no track record, or worse, no industry experience. With rare exception, these "get rich quick" schemes only make the system seller rich, not the financial advisor out in the field.

One thing I know for sure is that activity produces apptivity, and it's often hard work, which is why so many people avoid it. Plus, rejection comes with the territory, and everyone's ego is so fragile these days. Perhaps that's the fault of the war on boys promulgated by the NEA and NOW bunch, or maybe it's the "get happy" pill society we're living in.

We have several mottos around here.

One of them is...


In the spirit if http://www.IMAO.us, Top Gun Producers is also Unfair, Unbalanced, and Unmedicated!


Life is not fair. Neither is business. If you fight fair, you lose fast. Business is war, and we prepare you for battle to win, and we do it without recommending psychoactive drugs!

So...Welcome to Top Gun Producers!

Disclaimer: Enter at your own risk. Please fasten your safetybelt. Keep all limbs inside the vehicle. No passing at intersections. We can't drive 55. Always wear deodorant. Please return your seatbacks and tray tables to their upright position. In case of a water landing, I hope you can swim. Don't play with matches. Just say no to drugs (except beer and whiskey). Objects in mirror may appear smaller. Take a deep breath. Don't spill the beans. This is a non-smoking forum. Please carry concealed. There's nothing less useful than an unloaded weapon. Aim at center mass for best results. Please back up your software. Avoid sticking sharp objects in your eye. Do not swallow. If you feel faint, dial 911. This forum is not guaranteed, warranteed, or promises anything other than what you didn't expect. Your mileage may vary. Tie your shoes. Buckle your belt. Floors are slippery when wet. There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. Flammable. Potentially combustible. Do not enter without prior authorization. Sign here. Thank you.

Here's lookin' at you, kid!
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Rick Blaine
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Joined: Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:24 pm
Location: Casablanca
Professional Designations: Chartered Life Underwriter, Chartered Financial Consultant
Associations: SFSP, NAHU, NAIFA, NACLU, GAMA, Finseca, NAILBA
Licenses - Active: Life & Health
Licenses - Inactive: Series 6, 7, 24, 26, 63, 65, & Variable Contracts

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